Tag Archives: Botanical Gardens

Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring

Despite its nice parks, Bucharest was still a bit urban for my liking, and I was happy to escape. Away from Wallachia and into Transylvania. Super excited about that, as I’m just a huge Twilight fan. It’s like Dracula, but better. So what better way to celebrate one of the greatest novels/movies of the century than to visit the famed motherland of the vampires.
Continue reading Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring

This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.

For whatever reason, it didn’t occur to me when wandering my way onto the ferry from my sleepy Spanish surf town that when I wandered off things would be much different. So landing in Tangier, Morocco, was a bit of an assault on my world. Port cities are never really great (Belfast), and Tangier appeared to be no exception, although it grew on me in the fleeting moments of my time there. Continue reading This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.

¿Plata o Plomo?

I’ve been living in this apartment in Medellín for about 6 weeks, tallying about two months total in Medellín, which I think is the longest I’ve lived anywhere in a few years. The theory was it would be good to have some more consistency and become part of a community a bit more. Which makes sense in theory, but I think you actually need to make an effort to engage with the community for it to work. Continue reading ¿Plata o Plomo?

I cook the world’s best duck flambe

Big surprise, it was raining Wednesday morning, so I decided to forego my plans for another walk in Howth Head.  After getting a bit of work done in the hotel, I got an early start on my travels, taking the DART to Dublin and then a bus to Belfast.

Belfast is dirty.  But they have a lot of nice coffee shops and affordable places to eat, despite the fact that I have to switch back to £’s from €’s.  The hostel I’m staying in is small but nice, WiFi in the bedrooms which was great because I had a couple important calls today I needed a great connection and quiet for (which went well).  So this place has worked out well for my “working and travelling” plan. Continue reading I cook the world’s best duck flambe